Plantar fasciopathy (fasciitis) and exercise EP 1

Plantar fasciopathy Plantar fasciopathy as a chronic overuse injury – What is it and can it be rehabilitated? Plantar fasciopathy is a chronic overuse injury that can be very painful and cause disruption to everyday life of sufferers. Chronic overuse injuries can occur at multiple locations in our bodies but as podiatrists we regularly see the […]

Migraine and Opioid

migraine and opioid

If you would like to learn more about Migraine, please call Spine Sport Feet clinic on 5580 5655 or click the contact button.

Diabetic Peripheral Neuropathy Peripheral neuropathy is a common complication of diabetes, and for a significant number of diabetics this can be painful and distressing. While the process is not fully understood it occurs when very small blood vessels that supply nerves are damaged. Feet and hands are the most common location of diabetic neuropathic changes. This is […]

Easter Opening Hours

Wishing everyone a safe and happy Easter! Our clinic will be closed for the Easter period, but will be open and back to our usual hours on Tuesday, 19 April. If you wish to make an appointment, please call us on (07) 5580 5655 or visit our website to book online.