As patients of our clinic will most likely know, we are very fortunate to be teamed up with Way of Life Nutrition, who have been providing visiting dietetic services to our clinic for quite some time now. For those of you who haven’t met our lovely visiting dietitian, we would like to introduce you to Clare Barrett.

Clare is a ‘people person’ who enjoys the dynamics of consulting with both individuals and groups. She has a background in clinical pathology, and believes strongly in a multidisciplinary approach to health care.

Clare enjoys the opportunity to get to know patients, and tailor advice to suit their individual health needs and life circumstances. Her fields of interest are broad, and include weight loss, diabetes, elderly nutrition and nutrition management during cancer treatment.  

Clare has a particular interest in paediatric dietetics. She has completed the National Paediatric Dietetic Training Course (DAA Centre for Advanced Learning).  She also has advanced training in managing problem feeding behaviours/fussy eating (including SOS Feeding Therapy).  By providing support and advice to both parents and children, Clare helps to create a ‘family’ approach to improving a child’s diet. She is appreciative of this unique opportunity and is mindful to provide dietary recommendations that can not only benefit the child now, but can extend to improve their dietary choices in their adult life.

Clare is available for appointments at Spine Sport Feet Clinic on Tuesdays. Book an appointment today to see Clare or another of our health practitioners or call us on (07)5580 5655.