Good posture is more important than you think

When it comes to improving our health, most of us know to consider our eating and exercise habits. However, how often do we consider our posture as a vital piece of the health puzzle? It is probably fair to say that “Sit up straight” is advice that most people have ignored for a lifetime, despite the […]
Shockwave therapy for hamstring tightness

For those suffering from tight hamstrings, there has been some encouraging research of late into the effectiveness of Extracorporeal Shockwave Therapy (ESWT) in improving hamstring flexibility, especially combined with stretching exercises in healthy participants (see Interestingly, the study concluded that shockwave therapy combined with stretching exercises was more beneficial than stretching alone: “While ESWT and stretching both reduced […]
Chiropractors Supporting the Sporting Spine
Thousands of athletes from around the world have arrived to participate in the Commonwealth Games on the Gold Coast. Did you know that many athletes and sporting professionals incorporate chiropractic care into their overall health regimen? With the Australian love of sport, we regularly come across sporting-related ailments and provide care to patients who participate in […]