Does your child walk with “duck feet”? They may have a Tarsal Coalition

Painful ankles, unusual stiff walking, inability to stand on outside borders of the feet?  These can all be possible signs of a tarsal coalition.  Tarsal coalitions are an infrequent but often mis-diagnosed cause of foot pain.   What are Tarsal Coalitions? Coalitions are connections between the tarsal (rearfoot) bones that are not seen in the majority of the […]

Michael Shelley The Legend announces his retirement

After a career spanning the past 15 years Michael Shelley, one of Australia’s greatest long distance athletes of recent times, has announced his retirement. As proud sponsors of Michael, we have been privileged to witness his career from very early stages as he developed from a middle distance runner into a marathon runner. We have […]

Have you met our Dietitian?

As patients of our clinic will most likely know, we are very fortunate to be teamed up with Way of Life Nutrition, who have been providing visiting dietetic services to our clinic for quite some time now. For those of you who haven’t met our lovely visiting dietitian, we would like to introduce you to […]

Shockwave therapy for hamstring tightness

For those suffering from tight hamstrings, there has been some encouraging research of late into the effectiveness of Extracorporeal Shockwave Therapy (ESWT) in improving hamstring flexibility, especially combined with stretching exercises in healthy participants (see Interestingly, the study concluded that shockwave therapy combined with stretching exercises was more beneficial than stretching alone: “While ESWT and stretching both reduced […]